Good Life Acupuncture
& Holistic Therapies
Tel. 508-559-8004
Route 106 in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
"Pain is inevitable ... suffering optional."
N E W ! Covid Lockdown Recovery Path Program (CLR Path)
Please click the picture below to be linked to our CLR Path program flyer!
We are super excited to launch our Covid Lockdown Recovery Path program (CLR Path) starting this week.
CLR Path provides a comprehensive holistic healing program designed to support individuals to step back into their lives and communities after the many months of isolation and fear. Please let our expert practitioners provide you with the TLC you need to get back to your life, get back to living, and look forward again with hope and joy.
We have DEEPLY discounted our services to make your program affordable and doable.
Available now through August, 2021.
It is so important that we get the word out that this program is available for people. Please share and refer family and friends to us that you think can benefit. Our CLR Path program is appropriate for mature middle schoolers through to elderly and includes everyone in between!
We do have some services available for ages 8-12 - just ask!
Sessions can be booked by calling the office at 508-559-8004 or by email at You can also book your initial CLR Path telephone consultation directly on-line by clicking BOOK ONLINE.