Good Life Acupuncture
& Holistic Therapies
Tel. 508-559-8004
Route 106 in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
"Pain is inevitable ... suffering optional."
Thank you for choosing Good Life Acupuncture & Holistic Therapies for you and your family's health needs! We looking forward to meeting with you at your first visit.
Please print and complete the following forms prior to your first appointment for the specific type of service you will be having. Please bring this completed paperwork with you to your first visit to maximize your actual treatment/therapy time.
These forms are required for new clients only. We also ask that this paperwork be completed by clients who have not visited us for two (2) or more years. Please feel free to contact our office should you have any questions: 508-559-8004 or
Please complete ALL appropriate forms and bring with you to first appointment.